New dental products

We have been getting lots of questions about new dental products in the marketplace:

Charcoal Toothpaste

Claim:  Tooth whitening

Problem:  Very abrasive, often staining is from old fillings and exposed root surfaces, roots of teeth are shaded different from enamel.


  1. Baking soda periodically for heavy coffee, tea drinkers and smokers will always have stain issues.
  2. Replace discolored, old dental restorations.

Crest Detoxify Toothpaste

Uses of stannous fluoride verses sodium fluoride, studies show that stannous fluoride is more effective against periodontal pathogens than sodium fluoride.

If you have periodontal issues this may be a good toothpaste for you.

Therasol Rinse

Studies show this is the most effective of all over-the-counter mouthwashes (expensive), can be purchased at Amazon.

We advise use of chlorhexidine with a Q-tip around implants and for periodontal problems.

Reports of gastric distress from therasol, likely from inadvertently swallowing it.

Any questions? Please contact us, we’re here to help!